Tournament entriesChristmas tournament

Entries to tournaments are now through the NZ Bridge website (NOT Waikato Bays) but note you must be registered and logged in with NZ Bridge.
Go to and go to MY NZB at top of the page to ‘log in’ and to register if you have not done so. Go to ‘Tournaments’ and search for the tournament you wish to enter.
If you wish to see details about the tournament click on the tournament name and then click on ‘ENTER HERE’ (in black) or click ‘ENTER HERE’ (in red) for direct access to enter your details.
OR email Christine de Vries with your details, or phone 027 565 6575
NB: Please ensure when cancelling or changing entries go to MY NZB on the NZB website and edit your entry there.

A happy group of club members at the very popular Rotorua Christmas Tournament

2023 Rotorua events

Kelly Peirse Memorial TeamsSaturday 22 MarchBug Squad Pest Control
Rotorua Open 5ASaturday 14 JuneDawson Insurance
BOP Interclub TeamsSunday 27 July
Ib Thulin Handicap Pairs (Rotorua only) Sunday 17 AugustCraigs Investment Partners2
Rotorua Restricted PairsSaturday 13 SeptemberCanon Bay of Plenty28B
Annual General MeetingThursday 27 November
Rotorua Christmas Tournament Saturday 6 December Steiners 28B

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