Useful links
Our club is part of the global world of bridge: the websites below can help you learn better bridge, enter tournaments online, and even play bridge internationally online.
The New Zealand Contract Bridge Assn’s newly upgraded website, where you can look up your masterpoints and keep up to date with national bridge news. The site lists tournaments throughout NZ, and has links to clubs and centres outside Waikato Bays, as well as a host of useful information.
Website for the Waikato-Bay of Plenty region: you can enter the region’s tournaments online, and get links to other bridge clubs in the area.
World Bridge Federation’s site, for international bridge administration and news. (NZ is in zone 7.)
Australian Bridge Federation site with links for any bridge events, clubs and states in Australia
Surf the bridge world to your heart’s content!
Play bridge online
Not just for open players; play bridge at all levels online for free, internationally with strangers or make a date with a friend.
Play online, test yourself and watch tutorial videos.
System Cards
System card templates and information from the NZ Bridge website available here