Under current traffic light system, we are able to continue bridge play at the Club. Vaccine passports are required.
The latest Covid advisory from NZ Bridge is available here: https://www.nzbridge.co.nz/blog/7495/Covid_19-Advisory-from-NZ-Bridge
Some personal responsibilities are in place:
Face masks are optional.
Ensure you use the hand sanitiser when entering the clubhouse.
Cups/glasses used by you are to be personally put into the dishwasher by you.
If you have flu or cold symptoms please stay at home.
Remember to phone your partners to confirm their attendance.
Scan in for your personal record, but keep in mind there is a register of players recorded through the Compass scoring system.
Everyone being considerate will help us all keep safe and healthy.
If the Government over the coming months makes changes to the current situation, we will act accordingly.