NZ Bridge have this year instigated a Volunteer of the Month Award and our very own Heini Lux is this month’s recipient.
Heini has been a member of the Rotorua Club for over 30 years. He has been President, is currently a Vice President and has served on the committee for many years. His work for the club has included catering for many tournaments (we’ve been very lucky to take full advantage of his restauranteur background). He has assisted for many years with the Learners’ Class, and actively mentors promising players to improve their skill levels.
He is unfailingly courteous at the table and provides support for all activities requiring club member input, whether it be a working bee or support for players or an activity that promotes Bridge and the element of having fun (including being director, aka Santa, at our very popular Christmas Tournament for some years). He was elected a Life Member at the 2016 AGM and is thoroughly deserving of Volunteer of the Month.
He is a long standing tournament player, and has attended every Congress over the last 32 years – one of only about a dozen people who have achieved this rare distinction!

Club President Alan Dick presenting Heini with his award on Thursday night.
well deserved Heini