Setting the Gold standard

Our President setting the standard at the Gold Coast Congress Our new president Margie Robbie and her partner Jenni Boren played consistent, inspired bridge to sit at the top of the Restricted Swiss Pairs at the Gold Coast Congress. They played well throughout the two days but unfortunately slipped slightly in the last match. “Oh so close” is all that …

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Mini Moos Fundraiser

Calling all Novice Players!! If you learned to play Bridge in 2016 or later, you are eligible to play in this Novice Tournament in Cambridge – the Mini Moos Fundraiser on Sunday 3 March 2019. You are also eligible if you learned to play in 2015 or earlier and do not hold a Certificate of Proficiency. See flyer here

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Handicaps 2019

As you may have noticed, we have a new handicap system at Rotorua Bridge. This is to bring our club more in line with what other clubs in New Zealand are doing, and to let the system (and our results) calculate the handicap, in a similiar way that Golf handicaps are determined. Please find here an explanation of why and …

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Bridge lessons

Beginners’ bridge lessons are coming up in May. Have you spoken with all those acquaintances and friends who have expressed an interest? Start your arm-twisting now!The lessons start Wednesday 1 May 7 – 9.30pm. $60 for twelve lessons (and continuing play for 2018), $100 for 2 people. Email or phone Pam 347 9290 to sign up.See the poster for …

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