Summer bridge has kicked off again and is played on Monday starting at 1:30pm and Wednesday starting at 7pm. There is no need to have a partner as a float is available. If you haven’t already got your programme booklet, this can be picked up at the club. They are on a table near the north end of the room. Please write you name down when you take your booklet so we know who has theirs.
On Wednesday 29 Jan, we are having a welcome back BBQ starting at 6pm. The club will supply meat and members are to bring a salad, bread or dessert to share. There will be bridge afterwards. This is a great opportunity to socialise AND get your programme book filled in for the year.
The 2020 season of bridge begins on Thursday 30 Jan at the new time of 7pm. All the other sessions begin the following week. And a reminder that if you want to get the $5 discount off your subscription, you must pay before 29 Feb.
On 8 Feb is the Kelly Peirce 10A teams tournament. Although this tournament usually attracts some top players, there is also a handicap prize. Wendy and Colleen are organising the catering, and may be asking for assistance in the kitchen or contributions for morning tea. Please help them out.
On 9 Feb, Allan Joseph will be holding Part I of his director’s seminar at our club. This seminar is targeted at those interested in directing for their home club. Our club needs more session directors, particularly on Wednesday and Friday, so even if you are just curious about directing, it would be worth attending. The seminar is free and you get lunch and morning tea! You must register for the seminar on the Waikato Bays web site – it’s listed under tournaments and tuition. Part II of the seminar is in Matamata in June.
And finally, check the notice boards for the posters about the league competitions sponsored by Waikato Bays. In addition to the usual junior and intermediate leagues, there is a new addition this year, the Judith Howard League. This is targeted at players ranked as Provincial Masters and below and has a generous prize pool of $2000+.