Another great mid-winter Christmas dinner was put on this year to welcome our new members from their learners class. It was a fun evening, enjoyed by all.
The way our results are shown on the website is changing, as we have subscribed to an much improved method of displaying results, using software developed by Milan Durovic of Sydney. When you have clicked on a session or other result, starting from a listing of the field, you can click on a name and proceed to a listing of …
The Bay of Plenty Interclub Team Competition is being held in Rotorua on 31 July, with 6 clubs taking part at this stage – Te Puke, Tauranga, Mt. Maunganui, Rotorua, Whakatane and Taupo. The top two clubs go through to the Waikato BOP finals in August. The Rotorua teams for the Bay Clubs Team Competition are: Open: Neil Dravitzki and …
The AGM instructed the Committee to investigate best practice for Club Championship events. The Committee has posted queries on line and talked face to face with a number of people in bridge management including Alan Turner and Patrick Carter on the request made at the AGM to review what is commonly used at other clubs and/or what is best practice. …
The Rotorua Restricted Tournament was held on Sunday and was a very enjoyable day, with 18 tables and entrants from clubs around the region. Congratulations to the Rotorua pairs who featured among the top placings. Sarah Easthope-Wilson and John Kelly were runners-up in the Open/Intermediate section, as were Bob Johnston and Lara Cordonni in the Open/Junior. Rex Tulloch and Joyce Reid came third in the Intermediate/Intermediate and Bruce Whiteman and Christine Kampfraath third in the Intermediate/Junior – see the results page for a full list of winners. Many thanks to the organisers and the helpers in the kitchen for the delicious lunchtime soups, and morning and afternoon tea.