Lockdown Bridge

The committee hopes you are all coping in your respective ‘bubbles’, that you are well and surviving the rigours of ‘lockdown’. In the absence of knowing when we will be able to return to a semblance of the old normality, we do not foresee that club bridge will be occurring for quite a few weeks yet. Therefore playing on-line is the alternative, as many of you already are.It is good for bridge play and much needed occupational therapy.

Bridge Base Online(BBO), which is a free app that you can download, offers the opportunity to set up your own table or join tournaments. Information is available on the NZ Bridge website www.nzbridge.co.nz under “All News” – scroll down to 14 April and “Instructions for BBO’. Pages 7 & 8 tell you how to set up your own table with players that you know which provides the opportunity to practice before joining any tournaments.

There are tournaments from around the world hosted on this site and NZ tournaments, principally daily Auckland Bridge Club (AKBC) tournaments and a daily Waikato Bays tournament aimed at junior and intermediate players. For information on this go to the Waikato Bays website www.waikatobays.bridge-club.org under ‘BBO in Waikato Bays’. You need to register with Waikato Bays and the details are contained in this post.

Please keep a check on these websites, NZB Facebook page and our own site for new developments.
Once you get used to moving around the BBO screens it is fun and a great way to keep those bridge skills sharp. Tournaments also give the opportunity to hone your skills through playing against some experienced players.

Good luck everyone and stay well.

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