Christmas Tournament 2024
AGM and Prizegiving 2024
NZ Wide Pairs 2024
We have firmed up the details of this event for our club. Players are invited to gather at the club from 5-30 to 6pm. Your committee will provide complimentary drinks and food to partake of before play. Table money will be just the $10.00 per player that is charged by NZ Bridge. This is a nationwide event that we hold …
Ib Thulin Tournament 2024
The club held a very enjoyable and successful Ib Thulin Handicap Tournament on Sunday. This is always a popular tournament among Rotorua club members, and it was great to see so many of the newer players taking part. Congratulations to the winners, Jude Lipanovic and Suzette White. Other handicap placings were: Second: Shirley Gainsford and Maureen Carter Fourth: Trevor Heath …
Interclub Teams
Our club once again hosted the BOP Interclub Teams on Sunday 28 July .We had a full turnout of 3 teams from each of 6 clubs in the BOP, 18 teams in all. This meant a full day of bridge; 5 ten board matches for each team against the other 5 other teams in their grade. The day went exceedingly …
Christmas Tournament 2023
The Rotorua Christmas Tournament was a great success again this year, with 44 pairs coming from many clubs around the North Island to enjoy the day – as well as one player (Lode Van Grootel) from Sydney! Many thanks to Wendy Fraser and her hard-working team of helpers in the kitchen. We could not run this tournament without a lot …
BOP Interclub Teams
Congratulations to the Tauranga Bridge Club, who are the winners of the BOP Interclub Teams Shield. Six clubs from around the region battled it out at Rotorua on Sunday, in Junior, Intermediate and Open grades, and Tauranga were the overall winners. Unfortunately Rotorua did not quite make it to the finals in any of the grades, although the Intermediate team …
Christmas Tournament 2022
Farewell to Evan

On Monday we had an afternoon tea to farewell Evan Dorrington. Evan has retired from the bridge club after many years as an active playing member, director and committee member. He ran Monday afternoon bridge for many years. You will be greatly missed at the club, Evan! A true gentleman at the bridge table and away from it. Best wishes …
Rotorua Restricted Tournament 2022
BOP Interclub teams 2022
Ib Thulin 2022
Great win for Rotorua player
Congratulations to Liz and Michael Wilcox for their success at the recent Congress, winning the Open Restricted Pairs. And great publicity for our club too! Read the newspaper article here
AGM 2021 Report
The AGM was held on Thursday 25 November. Minutes of the meeting and reports can be read and downloaded here: President’s Report. Financial Report Minutes Prize list