Kelly Peirse Teams

The Kelly Peirse Memorial Open Teams event was held on Saturday 4 February, attracting a large field of 28 teams from around the North Island.

The winning team of Patrick Carter, Julie Atkinson, Jenny Millington and Barry Jones, pictured here with their trophy.

Christmas Tournament 2016

Another very successful Christmas Tournament has been held, with 39 tables filling out the Rotorua clubrooms. As always Ruth Lewis and her helpers, notably her sister Rachel Steele and Marie Milsum did a marvellous job in the kitchen, and Heini did his usual great job of directing. Many other club members, including Ray and Kevin the ham carvers and Trevor the barman, helped out too to make the day enjoyable and memorable for all.

Intermediate update

catherine-and-joyceFour pairs from Rotorua played at the Matamata Intermediate Tournament on Sunday, in good bridge playing weather, and had some success, all ending up in the top half of the field.
Joyce Reid and Cathy Ward (pictured) took out third place after a great morning and not so good afternoon, and  Wendy Blackman and Elspeth Goodrick finished in eighth place.
Rotorua players are also doing well in the individual Intermediate League, with one of the ten rounds still to play. Joyce is currently in 5th place, not far behind the 3rd equal pair and Wendy and Elspeth are 8th equal. It should make for an interesting final round in Cambridge later this month!

Congress success!

Congratulations John Kelly, who together with partner Michael Neels from Cambridge won the New Zealand Open Restricted Title 2016 at Congress last week. Here they are enjoying a well-earned drink!

Other players from Rotorua also did well in the teams and seniors events.

(Thanks to Cambridge BC for photo.)

BOP Interclub Teams

BOP-teams-31-7_1aThe Bay Teams Shield was contested on Sunday 31 July between Rotorua, Tauranga, Whakatane, Taupo, Te Puke and Mount Maunganui clubs with Open, Intermediate and Junior teams competing. Every team payed matches of 12 boards against each other team within their grade and the scores for each match are aggregated to determine the winning club. After an excellent start, unfortunately Rotorua flagged in the middle rounds and finished third overall and the shield has gone to Tauranga, who won with a massive total of 196 VP’s. Whakatane was second on 170 and Rotorua third on 163.

In addition the teams that were first and second in each grade are to play off for top club in the Waikato/Bay of Plenty on the 28th of August in Cambridge. The Rotorua Open Team of Neil Dravitzki and Paul Cosgrove, Ian Moore and Alan Dick made this event. An interesting fact about this team that was pointed out on the day – to considerable laughter – is that this team has three people who have had heart bypasses and the other team member is a doctor! In fact this team was the only team on the day that won every match – but it wasn’t enough to win the Open Team title as the winning margins were not great enough.

The Rotorua teams played their best, but it wasn’t good enough on the day – but well done everyone!

BOP Interclub Teams Competition

The Bay of Plenty Interclub Team Competition is being held in Rotorua on 31 July, with 6 clubs taking part at this stage – Te Puke, Tauranga, Mt. Maunganui,  Rotorua, Whakatane and Taupo. The top two clubs go through to the Waikato BOP finals in August. The Rotorua teams for the Bay Clubs Team Competition are: Open: Neil Dravitzki  and …

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Rotorua Restricted

The Rotorua Restricted Tournament  was held on Sunday and was a very enjoyable day, with 18 tables and entrants from clubs around the region. Congratulations to the Rotorua pairs who featured among the top placings. Sarah Easthope-Wilson and John Kelly were runners-up in the Open/Intermediate section, as were Bob Johnston and Lara Cordonni in the Open/Junior. Rex Tulloch and Joyce Reid came third in the Intermediate/Intermediate and Bruce Whiteman and Christine Kampfraath third in the Intermediate/Junior – see the results page for a full list of winners. Many thanks to the organisers and the helpers in the kitchen for the delicious lunchtime soups, and morning and afternoon tea.