Online playing support

This looks like an awesome opportunity to improve your game. Supported online play is like having a friend at the table, offering support whenever you need it. Imagine it like using Zoom; you can see and talk to each other while playing cards, and with an experienced player available to offer advice or answer questions. WHEN: Weekly on Sundays, starting …

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Prizegiving & AGM 2023

The prizegiving for 2023 was held on Thursday 23 November, along with the AGM, and election of officers for 2024. Ruth Lewis is the incoming president, and Christine de Vries and Kathryn Morgan continue as secretary and treasurer respectively. We welcome a new committee member, Tony McCarthy. Congratulations to all those members who won prizes in all the various competitions …

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Rotorua Open 2023

A successful Rotorua Open Tournament was held on 10th June, with a high standard field from many different clubs, although less tables than usual in a sign of the times. The winners were Blair Fisher and Michael Curry from Hamilton, looking very happy in this photo with club president Alan Dick. Runners-up were Gary Foidl and Kathy Yule from Waikato/Matamata. …

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Prizegiving and AGM 2022

The AGM was held on Thursday evening, with Alan Dick elected as new president, and Christine de Vries and Kathryn Morgan remaining as secretary and treasurer respectively. You can read the President’s Report by outgoing president Colleen Allen here. The meeting was followed by the prizegiving, and bridge and supper. Click here for a list of all prizewinners. Congratulations to …

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Kelly Peirse Memorial Teams Tournament

Sponsored by Goodrick Contracting Ltd. Saturday 19th March 2022 Welcome to this event. Your Director is Allan Joseph and Scorer Mike Neels. The Tournament Lobby will be opened at  9:05am Saturday for a 9:30am start. Please sit at the table number of you Team number which will be your “home” table.  Tournament Real Bridge link: Click here for Tournament regs. …

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Christmas Tournament

CHRISTMAS OPEN TOURNAMENT Unfortunately we have no choice but to cancel this tournament with travel restrictions now not only in Auckland, but also in the Waikato District. CHRISTMAS MEMBERS TOURNAMENT We have made the decision to replace the Christmas Tournament with a members only Christmas Tournament on Saturday 4 December Details: Two Sessions am and pm Start time 10am Entry …

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Upcoming Events Winter 2022

Mid Winter Dinner/Welcome to New Recruits Wednesday 13 July 6pm Social hour 7pm Dinner – members to bring a plate of ‘sit down’ dinner food 8pm Social bridge Rotorua Open 5A Tournament Saturday 11 June All entries now being accepted Lunch provided Morning and afternoon sessions BOP Interclub Teams  at Rotorua Sunday 24 July Reminder to get your partnership pairs …

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Kelly Peirse Tournament Results

Once again the Club had a very successful Kelly Peirse 10A Teams Tournament on Saturday 20 March. We had 30 teams entered with a very high calibre of entrants. A huge thank you to our Director, Allan Joseph and Scorer, Jan Spaans. However, no tournament happens without the help of many in the club – to Wendy Fraser, director of …

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Farewell to Ian and Pam

It is with great regret that we must say farewell to Pam and Ian Moore, both Grand Masters, who have been hugely instrumental in setting the standard to which we bridge players should aspire. They have been members of the club for 35 years and during that time have done so much to support club activities. This includes Pam’s highly …

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End of year news update

The year is rapidly drawing to a close and what a strange year it has been. Of the 37/38 playing sessions scheduled this year for each playing day, 18 or 19 have been cancelled due to Covid 19 lockdowns. We are fortunate that we are able to play our club championships which conclude this week. A big thank you to …

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Upcoming events and news

• Babich NZ Wide Pairs We need more entries for this competition to be held on 30 October at 7.30 pm in the Rotorua club rooms. The same cards are played simultaneously across the country so you are competing with pairs nation-wide. It is a very enjoyable competition and you can enter online or at the club rooms. • Saturday …

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Bridge lessons 2020

We will be offering two options for bridge lessons this year: Wednesdays 7.00 – 9.30 pm beginning 2 September Fridays 10.00 am – 12.30 pm beginning 4 September. Cost is $60.00 for 12 lessons and if you bring a friend to create your own partnership it is $100.00 for 2 people. Please contact Val 07 347 1713 or Marie 027 …

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