Farewell to Henk and Miep

Sadly Henk and Miep Vanderpoel are leaving our club and moving to Palmerston North. We had a farewell afternoon tea for them last Saturday, where members had a chance to reminisce and wish them well. Club president Alan Dick spoke about the great contribution they have both made to the club over the years and noted that Henk is the first life member to leave the club vertically! We wish them all the best for the future in their new home and hopefully we will see them back here for a tournament sometime.


Super Six Teams


The first three rounds of the Super Six Teams on Monday night have finished and it was great fun. This is a great way for players of different grades to mix and get to know one another without having to play against each other. Each team is made up of one junior, one intermediate and one open pair.
We would like more entries for the next three rounds, starting from Monday 1 August, so start finding your team members now.