Monday Night Bridge
Great news to announce – Monday Night Bridge is back! After much discussion, we are re-introducing Monday night bridge for an 8 week trial. The purpose of this extra night session of bridge is to accommodate recruits and Wednesday night players (or anyone else for that matter) who are looking for an extra night of play. This is considering the …
Upcoming Events Winter 2022
Mid Winter Dinner/Welcome to New Recruits Wednesday 13 July 6pm Social hour 7pm Dinner – members to bring a plate of ‘sit down’ dinner food 8pm Social bridge Rotorua Open 5A Tournament Saturday 11 June All entries now being accepted Lunch provided Morning and afternoon sessions BOP Interclub Teams at Rotorua Sunday 24 July Reminder to get your partnership pairs …
Kelly Peirse Tournament Results
Once again the Club had a very successful Kelly Peirse 10A Teams Tournament on Saturday 20 March. We had 30 teams entered with a very high calibre of entrants. A huge thank you to our Director, Allan Joseph and Scorer, Jan Spaans. However, no tournament happens without the help of many in the club – to Wendy Fraser, director of …

We see these lessons as an opportunity to re-introduce players to the Bridge Club, especially those who have been to lessons and not joined the Club, those who have some experience of the game, or Novice/Junior players who may want to refresh their knowledge. The refresher course will include topics covered in the lessons. There will be four lessons at …
Beginner and Refresher Lessons 2021
REFRESHER LESSONS We see these lessons as an opportunity to re-introduce players to the Bridge Club, especially those who have been to lessons and not joined the Club, those who have some experience of the game, or Novice/Junior players who may want to refresh their knowledge. The refresher course will include topics covered in the lessons. There will be four …
Upcoming events and news
BRIDGE LESSONS 2021 Bridge lessons commence on 10th March 2021. Please encourage any friends and family to participate. Flyers will be available to be posted on notice boards in your work places and any other club you may belong to. We all remember our humble beginnings to the game of bridge and now see the great benefits in joining the …
Christmas Tournament 2020
News from AGM
Our Bridge Club AGM was held on 26 November 2020 Elected committee members for 2021 President: Colleen Allen Treasurer: Kathryn Morgan Secretary: Jody Richardson Committee: Suellyn Caldwell, Alan Dick, Wendy Fraser, Rowan Friend,Heini Lux, Marie Milsum, Jim Morgan, Margie Robbie. Colleen said her main goal as president was to improve the culture of the Bridge Club, and make the Club …
Prizegiving 2020
Farewell to Ian and Pam
It is with great regret that we must say farewell to Pam and Ian Moore, both Grand Masters, who have been hugely instrumental in setting the standard to which we bridge players should aspire. They have been members of the club for 35 years and during that time have done so much to support club activities. This includes Pam’s highly …
End of year news update
The year is rapidly drawing to a close and what a strange year it has been. Of the 37/38 playing sessions scheduled this year for each playing day, 18 or 19 have been cancelled due to Covid 19 lockdowns. We are fortunate that we are able to play our club championships which conclude this week. A big thank you to …
Upcoming events and news
• Babich NZ Wide Pairs We need more entries for this competition to be held on 30 October at 7.30 pm in the Rotorua club rooms. The same cards are played simultaneously across the country so you are competing with pairs nation-wide. It is a very enjoyable competition and you can enter online or at the club rooms. • Saturday …