Upcoming events and news
BRIDGE LESSONS 2021 Bridge lessons commence on 10th March 2021. Please encourage any friends and family to participate. Flyers will be available to be posted on notice boards in your work places and any other club you may belong to. We all remember our humble beginnings to the game of bridge and now see the great benefits in joining the …
Christmas Tournament 2020
Ib Thulin 2020
Despite the change in date and the ‘stop-start’ nature of bridge in these Covid times we had a very enjoyable and successful tournament on Sunday. We had 9 tables, a little down on previous years, but in the circumstances not surprising. On Handicap the winners were: First: Colleen Allen and Rowan Friend Second: Shirley Gainsford and Gill Nelson Third: Mark …
Back to bridge!
Hooray – back to Level 1 at last! All bridge sessions will re-commence from Wednesday 23 Sep at 7pm. Please note that next week (30 Sep) the start time for Wednesday night changes to 7pm because we will be on daylight savings time. Start times for all other sessions are as per normal, so contact your partners and arrange some …
Covid-19 update 7 September
The goalposts do keep changing! We are now in Level 2 lockdown until at least 16 September. Our last communication on 25 August indicated that club bridge and the Rotorua Restricted Tournament on 12 September would not go ahead unless we were in Level 1. The committee has again reviewed the situation by email over this weekend. *ROTORUA RESTRICTED TOURNAMENT: …
Covid-19 update and new dates 25 August
Club Bridge: As you will be aware, we are now in level 2 lockdown until 6 September when the government will again review the situation. Therefore, there will be no club bridge play until we move into Level 1, hopefully after 6 September. Rotorua Restricted Tournament 12 September: On the basis we move into Level 1 we are continuing to …
Upcoming events Spring 2020
Mark these dates – • Pot luck Welcome dinner 5 August cancelled and a 1 day pairs competition instead. This was to welcome our beginner bridge players at the completion of their lessons. Now lessons will be beginning on 2 and 4 September and we have decided to have a Spring Fling evening on 7 October and to include our …
BOP Teams success for Rotorua
The Bay of Plenty Teams Tournament for the Ib Thulin Shield was held at the Rotorua Club on Sunday 26 July with 6 clubs participating – ourselves, Tauranga, Taupo, Mt Maunganui, Whakatane and Te Puke – and each club competing with a Junior, Intermediate and Open Team, 72 players in all. We had a great day particularly since Rotorua came …
Upcoming events
It is heartening to see so many people back playing bridge at the club. This is encouraging for our up-coming events that we hope you will be enthusiastic about participating in. Sunday 26 July 2020 Bay of Plenty Interclub Teams Each club in the BOP who wishes to participate submits a Junior, Intermediate and Open Team to contest the Ib …
Kelly Peirse 2020

We hosted a very successful 10A Teams tournament on Saturday with 30 teams entered, the most we have had for some years. We had many high calibre teams made up of top NZ players amongst the entires as well as 4 teams consisting entirely of Rotorua club members, one of which won the handicap prize! Congratulations to all prize winners. …
Christmas Tournament 2019
Another very successful Rotorua Christmas Tournament was held on Saturday, with 52 pairs from around the upper North Island taking part. The clubrooms were beautifully decorated as always, with a lovely array of quilts to feast our eyes on. The overall winners were Ken and Kathy Yule from Matamata, well clear with a 65% average and runners-up were Blair Fisher …
Rotorua Success in Tournament Play

We had 30 pairs enter our Rotorua Restricted Tournament on 14 September, 2019 and all our Rotorua players played exceptionally well as demonstrated by our results. The overall winners for the tournament, winning both the morning and afternoon sessions, were Val Honeyfield and Pam Moore. And second overall were Shirley Gainsford and Heini Lux. A great effort. The section winners …
Ib Thulin 2019
Our Ib Thulin Tournament on Sunday 18 August, which is sponsored by Craigs Investment Partners, was a very enjoyable day. Paul Stewart, on behalf of Craigs, awarded the prizes to our ‘place-getters’. Congratulations to our winners Christine Kampfraath and Shirley Gainsford and to our other prize winners. 1st: Christine Kampfraath and Shirley Gainsford 2nd: Kathryn Morgan and Jim Morgan 3rd: …
Entries Needed for our Upcoming Tournaments
Ib Thulin; Our Handicapped Ib Thulin Club Tournament for Rotorua players is this Sunday 19 August. If you have not already done so please consider entering by posting your name at the clubroom or emailing margiearobbie@gmail.com with your entry. There are good prizes to be won!! – More details here Rotorua Restricted 8B: 14 September. Prizes are to be won …