Kelly Peirse 2020

We hosted a very successful 10A Teams tournament on Saturday with 30 teams entered, the most we have had for some years. We had many high calibre teams made up of top NZ players amongst the entires as well as 4 teams consisting entirely of Rotorua club members, one of which won the handicap prize! Congratulations to all prize winners. …

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Upcoming events

Summer bridge has kicked off again and is played on Monday starting at 1:30pm and Wednesday starting at 7pm. There is no need to have a partner as a float is available. If you haven’t already got your programme booklet, this can be picked up at the club. They are on a table near the north end of the room. …

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Christmas Tournament 2019

Another very successful Rotorua Christmas Tournament was held on Saturday, with 52 pairs from around the upper North Island taking part. The clubrooms were beautifully decorated as always, with a lovely array of quilts to feast our eyes on. The overall winners were Ken and Kathy Yule from Matamata, well clear with a 65% average and runners-up were Blair Fisher …

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NZ Congress – silver all the way!

A number of members of our club members played in the National Congress last week in Hamilton. Pam and Ian Moore were 2nd in the NZ Senior Teams with Ian Clayton and Noel Woodhall. Liz Wilcox and her brother Michael were 2nd in the NZ Restricted Teams with players from Hamilton and Wellington. Congratulations also to Jackie Pulman and Elizabeth …

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Rotorua Success in Tournament Play

We had 30 pairs enter our Rotorua Restricted Tournament on 14 September, 2019 and all our Rotorua players played exceptionally well as demonstrated by our results. The overall winners for the tournament, winning both the morning and afternoon sessions, were Val Honeyfield and Pam Moore. And second overall were Shirley Gainsford and Heini Lux. A great effort. The section winners …

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Ib Thulin 2019

Our Ib Thulin Tournament on Sunday 18 August, which is sponsored by Craigs Investment Partners, was a very enjoyable day. Paul Stewart, on behalf of Craigs, awarded the prizes to our ‘place-getters’. Congratulations to our winners Christine Kampfraath and Shirley Gainsford and to our other prize winners. 1st: Christine Kampfraath and Shirley Gainsford 2nd: Kathryn Morgan and Jim Morgan 3rd: …

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House Sale benefits Rotorua Bridge Club by $500!!!!

Once again Stu Phillips sold one of Pam and Ian Moore’s investment properties very quickly and for a great price. Stu donates $500 to our club if you list your property (sole agency) with him at Letterbox Realty and he sells your real estate. You will see visible evidence of Stu’s generosity shortly as the money will be used to replace worn tablecloths to match the new decor.
Remember to use our sponsor if you are selling an apartment, home or section – you won’t be disappointed!!!

BOP Interclub Teams 2019

The Rotorua teams have been named for the BOP Interclub teams competition being held in Rotorua on 28 July. They are as follows: Open Marie Milsum & Tom Winiata Alan Dick & Heini Lux Intermediate Leonie Pritchard & Mark Bendall Keith Hitchcock & Margie Robbie Junior Christine Kampfraath & Suellyn Caudwell Phil Skinner & Shirley Gainsford Good luck to all …

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Friday Bridge

Friday bridge will start at the new time of 1.00pm and finish by 4.00pm. This new initiative starts on Friday 12th July. Unfortunately the very low numbers on Friday morning have meant this session was unsustainable. It is hoped that this will encourage more players and Friday bridge will continue. Marilyn Field has offered to take up the role as …

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Rotorua Open 2019

The committee was delighted with 21 tables at our Open tournament on Saturday with an increase of seven tables from last year.
Garry Foidl and Ant Hopkins won the event, Jo and Sam Simpson 2nd and Pam and Ian Moore won the prize for the best Rotorua pair. The food, organised by Wendy Fraser and her band of workers, was absolutely outstanding with many club members contributing to the morning tea, lunch and snacks. Thanks also to Kathryn Morgan who was a very efficient Tournament Manager.

Gary Foidl and Ant Hopkins, overall tournament winners.

Top placed Rotorua pair Pam and Ian Moore.